“You have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge.”
Psalm 14:6
The answer to all of life’s perplexing questions is Jesus, the Son of God. If all men would humble themselves to Jesus, there would be peace everywhere. There would be no crime, and no need for police or law courts. If men would humble themselves to the Lord, love for others would reign in men’s hearts, and there would be no conflicts and no wars. Political and social strife would cease altogether because those who walk with Jesus in the Spirit walk in harmony.
Hospital and medical clinics would become obsolete, for healing would flow like a river from Jesus, who “heals every disease.” Hunger and poverty would cease to exist because the Father would “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
What a wonderful world this would be if all men would believe! Let’s do our part to make our part of this world like that, to make those around us feel secure and surrounded with love.